Where is the sun rising on marketing spend?
In this section you will find some key findings on marketing investment growth, answers to the question "what is your number 1 growth objective in the next 3 months?" and you can meet some members of the Frost & Sullivan team who are creating great content marketing stories and assets
61% are increasing spend on content marketing
Neck-and-neck in first place with over 57% of the votes:
Asset Development (white papers and video) Persona/Target Based Message Development
Multiple responses were allowed; therefore numbers do not add up to 100%.
In second and third place:
36.15% Social Media 34.62% Contact Acquisition
What marketers are saying:
46.4% agreed on personalised customer experiences
64% of marketers surveyed stated that they create white papers in-house. Research has shown that only 9% of B2B buyers trust vendor generated papers versus 44% who trust analyst generated content.